
Sunday, 22 September 2019

Images from North Ronaldsay...

Little Bunting
Reed Warbler

Common Rosefinch

Friday, 20 September 2019

Local catch up...

I've had a busy few weeks with lots of birding, a trip to North Ronaldsay and preparation for university. The birding has been decent around county so here are a few of my highlights...

Common Rosefinch on Holy Island - nice to finally connect with my county bogey bird!

Pomarine Skua - one of 11 which passed Newbiggin on 17th. It was a good seawatch and also included a good number of Sooty Shearwaters and a superb Leach's Petrel close inshore.

Lapland Bunting at Beacon Point
Pale-bellied Brent Geese