Showing posts with label Chaffinch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chaffinch. Show all posts

Monday, 9 May 2016

Finally feels like spring!

With a much improved weather forecast yesterday morning we decided to have a family trip to the Harthope Valley, one of my favourite locations to combine birding and a family picnic!

We only stayed around the Hawsen Burn but still saw a nice selection of birds. Here's the highlights...

1 Cuckoo
10+ Whinchat
1 Wheatear
3+ Grey Wagtail
1 Redstart
2 Ring Ouzel
2+  Raven

We were also told about a couple of male Adders which gave great views in among some rocks.

After getting home we headed to Big Waters to try and catch up with a few of the influx of Black Terns. Sure enough a group of 10 stunning adult Black Terns we feeding over the lake and showed well in the afternoon sun. These were my first Black Terns which weren't autumn juveniles. I had to make do with record shots of the Terns as they were slightly too far away for the DSLR and I had to resort to digiscoping...


Whinchats - the males never cam close!

Singing male Ring Ouzel


Black Terns - digiscoping terns isn't easy!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Vindolanda and Grindon Lough

A family trip to Vindolanda today resulted in a few common woodland birds, including these Chaffinches and Robin which fed on cake crumbs near the cafe.



On the way back I checked Grindon Lough and found a Greenland White-fronted Goose with the Canada Geese.

Greenland White-front